Energy Strings

Energy strings are lines of energy that represent the subtle form of our relationships and connections with people, places, systems of beliefs, ideas, thought-forms, etc. They are also present in acquired, inherited or ancestral patterns of behavior.

Red Grevillea 2

When we build and maintain inappropriate connections and / or dependency bonds, we create strings that generate repetitive stress situations, illnesses and imbalances, which cause pain and suffering. By consciously releasing these strings we enable a new quality of relationship with ourselves and with those we love.

The therapeutic work with energetic strings allows the therapist to get in touch with the person at all levels, in the physical, emotional and spiritual planes, because it accesses the cell memory in the DNA. This work is anchored by the healing power of the flower essences. It is a simple and easily accessible technique, where suffering is comforted and the healing is improved by flower essences.

For further information, please contact us:

WhatsApp:  +55 (51) 99806.6446
