International Certification


Australia is one of the most peculiar regions on the planet. Its flora and fauna are
unique, different from the rest of the world. Most of these wildflowers grow in
untouched areas, absolutely pollution free. These conditions allow them to be
exceptionally powerful, quick and intense when used for the purpose of healing. The
Australian Flower Essences or Bush Essences are co-created and produced by Ian
White who also started producing and researching other essences: White Light
Essences, Light Frequency Essences, Isis Essence Program, Solar Logus Essence
Program and Gaia Essence Program, which he labels as spiritual essences. These
are prepared in different places around the world, considered sacred or perceived as
portals of especially powerful energies. The International Certification Program is
composed of three independent modules, as well as other workshops that enrich this
learning, all certified by Ian White.
Therapists can take the courses, as well as people interested in caring for their
families, plus of course who wants to recycle and update knowledge about these
powerful essences.
Be part  of this training, where you will fall in love with Australia and its flowers, you can
enjoy and be dazzled by the beauty and efficiency of Australian Bush Flower
Essences, and acquire an excellent tool to help heal the pain of the soul. Enjoy.

Module I – Australian Bush Flower Essences

Content of Module I:
* History and philosophy of the use of essences
* Insights into nature
* The Root Cause of Illness and emotional patterns
* How to delicately transform emotional patterns
* New tools to deal with life's challenges, such as learning difficulties and family
* Presentation of the images of plants and their habitats
* The endocrine system and its correlation with essences
* How to improve self-esteem and self-confidence
* How to identify and clear subconscious negative self-sabotage set ups.





Module II – Australian Bush Flower Essences

Content of Module II:
* Flower Essences’ Qualities and Healing Potentials
* The Five Steps to Tuning and Attaining Abundance
* Diagnostic techniques to determine the origin of emotional patterns and physical
* Tuning and working with the beings of nature
* Working the anger and sadness
* Sexuality
* Forgiveness Process
* Space Clearing Process
* New essences
* Renewing relationships
* Bush Flower Essences inspiring, stimulating and guiding research and development
as a flower essence therapist
* Meditations, visualizations, experiences and presentation of cases


* Menstruation
* Hormonal imbalances
* Sexuality
* Common reproductive issues
* Fertility Management
* Infertility
* Family Planning: Having or Not Having Children
* Conception, pregnancy and childbirth
* Maternity
* Family life
* Blended Families
* A Time for herself
* Breast cancer
* Menopause
* Older parents
* Aging
* Death and death process
* Common diseases


WORKSHOP – Happy & Healthy KidsContent:

* The experience of birth and the consequences in the child's life
* Aspects of care in child’s development
* Taking of the Diapers
* Limits
* Sleep, dreams and nightmares
* The beginning of school life
* Improving learning process
* Common infections and diseases in childhood
* Social skills
* The understanding of children through astrology