
Sistema Solar1a

Training and Qualification in Astrology

  • It is a professional training course that requires high school certification.
    The course is held in modules and, when you complete them all, you will receive the
    diploma of Astrologer, certified by FEPLAM.
    If you have already taken any astrology course, bring your certificates to be evaluated,
    so you may be exempt from any module or subject, as long as the number of classes
    and content is compatible with what we offer, or you can also take a proficiency test.
    For example, if you want to study the Transits module, you will have to interpret an
    Astrological Chart.


Astrology for Therapists

If you are a Flower Essence Therapist, we offer the possibility of learning to use this
tool that is the mother of all sciences: Astrology, through a therapeutic look allied to
Floral Essence Therapy.

Lunar Nodes

What is the meaning of the Lunar Nodes in the Natal Chart?
Knowing these important conceptions and deciphering the knowledge about what each
axis of the Lunar Nodes contains, is what we propose to accomplish, through the
analysis of their positions in the houses, signs and other concepts contained in the

Experiencing the astrological houses

Identify and learn to work with all your gifts, talents and skills. Only by knowing them
you will be able to enjoy them. The proposal is that you get in touch and learn to use
your real abilities, through this program of self-knowledge, from your own natal chart.