Astrotherapy is a therapy that combines Astrology and Flower Essences Therapy with
the goal of providing the resolution of inner and / or external conflicts that influence
emotions and behaviors at different stages of life, providing centering, tranquility and
It can be applied in specific issues, such as: stress caused by a variety of reasons, or
when someone is looking for a new job, during pregnancy and childbirth, in the midlife
crisis, and also when children are already raised and left home and we have the "empty
nest" syndrome, among other possibilities. Often, the procedure involves the whole
family, such as during the adolescence of the children.
It begins with the analysis of the person's Natal Chart, which is as singular as the fingerprint or the genetic code, because it shows the structure and dynamics of each person's psyche in an extremely detailed way, functioning as an objective reference point that counterbalances subjectivity of the therapeutic process, accelerating the diagnostic phase and helping to empathize with the client's world view.
By adding Flower Essences Therapy, the therapist is able to choose among a wide range of specific essences which will help the person to work on the issue detected through Astrology, the process becomes easier, faster, and effective because they are able to get in touch with every aspect of human experience through the soul, accessing what moves us.
This form of treatment is performed through weekly sessions with an hour of duration, aiming to reach the specific demand of each person.
For further information:
Mobile Tim: +55 (51) 98244.8690
Mobile Vivo: +55 (51) 99806.6446
WhatsApp: +55 (51) 99806.6446